Some diptychs made for a workshop, Falmouth, February 2009.
Mount Hawke Skatepark, near Truo, February 2009.
a holga experience
snow in Penryn
ma uit in jur, vad chestii noi, interesant.
astepti pe cineva sa te reprezinte?
Târgul Internaţional de Veşminte, Icoane, Cărţi şi Obiecte Bisericeşti
Iaşi, Providenţa, 13-15 noiembrie 2008
În România sunt 15.116 de biserici, dintre care în jur de 1980 în construcţie şi 340 în renovare, preoţii români având nevoie de obiecte bisericeşti de foarte bună calitate – sfinte vase, veşminte, candelabre, clopote, icoane.
Construiţi biserici reci, când e lipsă de locuinţe, că nu ies bani din şcoli, adăposturi şi grădiniţe…
spre sfintele moaste
salina turda
Dance in wheelchair
“Dance as a way of social integration” – A show where Ciprian Vizitiu and Vasile Borcan, although they are immobilized in wheelchair, have proved through music, dance and sincerity that life is worth living and and that all they want is to be treated as normal people. Ciprian broke his spine in a work accident in 2005, since then he can’t walk. Vasile is severely ill, he never could walk. The show was played at Ateneu Tatarasi, in Iasi, Feb 2008.